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Proferrin® and Prodiet® Colostrum, natural and effective solutions to improve your pet’s immunity
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2 chiens qui courent dont un avec une balle dans la bouche

52% of dog owners and 51% of cat owners seek specific immune health claims in pet foods or supplements (FMCG Gurus, 2022).

Animals' immune systems can become weakened during different stages of their lives. During their young age and growth, animals' immune defences are not yet developed and they are more susceptible to infectious agents. In contrast, older animals suffer a decline in immune health and may become ill faster. Immunity can also be affected by external factors that cause chronic or acute stress in animals, such as illness or surgery. These events weaken the immune system due to their impact on the body but also because of the stress induced. There are natural solutions that can strengthen the immune system and improve your pet's health.

70% of dog owners and 69% of cat owners want natural ingredients in food supplements (FMCG Gurus, 2022).

Our bioactive ingredients

Prodiet® Colostrum
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Proferrin® protects and enhances your pet's health

During their lives, the immune system of pets (dogs, cats, etc.) is challenged by infectious agents such as viruses or bacteria. In order to combat these pathogens, natural solutions exist.

Lactoferrin is a protein naturally present in human secretions (saliva, tears, etc.), as well as in breast milk. This glycoprotein helps to boost the immune system's defences, both innate and adaptive.
Proferrin® helps to strengthen the immunity of pets and farm animals throughout their lives.

Proferrin®, a natural and pure composition

A precious raw material: milk from our French cooperative
A gentle process for a preserved structure and increased biological activity
A native lactoferrin as found in fresh cow's milk
A very high purity > 95% to amplify its action

A gentle process for a preserved native structure and activity

A microfiltration step to ensure optimal microbiological quality.
A moderate drying step to preserve the structure and bioactivity of proteins.

Did you know?

Lactoferrin is known for its benefits to the oral health of animals. Proferrin® can help maintain the oral health of pets by preventing plaque formation and inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Lactoferrin is also known for its benefits to gut microbiota of pet and supports a healthy digestive system
Gut health page

Proferrin® scientifically proven to be effective

Proferrin® helps to support the immune system of animals
Lactoferrin has been shown to enhance immune function in various animal species.

In piglets : stimulation of the immune response*.
In calves : increase in the number of immune cells and immunoglobulin levels in the blood**. 
In dogs : increase in the number of monocytes in the blood and improvement in clinical signs of severe bacterial infection***.

*Shan et al. 2007, Comstock et al. 2014
**Promet et al. 2007
***Hellweg et al. 2008, Sato et al. 2012
Proferrin®: an anti-inflammatory effect
Proferrin® significantly reduces the release of TNFα (pro-inflammatory markers) for an anti-inflammatory effect.
Effect of Proferrin® on TNF a secretion in inflammatory condition (RAW 264.7)
Graph of Proferrin's anti-inflammatory effect
Proferrin®: an immuno-stimulating effect
With Proferrin®, lymphocyte proliferation increases.
Proliferation of lymphocytes after 5 days
Graphique sur l'effet immunostimulant de proferrin


Ingredient suitable for pet food and complementary feed, at the recommended dose of


of body weight for cats and dogs*.
*In the case of a finished product including heating process, it is advised to add lactoferrin after the heating steps, to avoid its denaturation.

Galenic forms

Comprimé blanc
Two white capsules
Poudre blanche dans un pot
Croquette dans un bol
Dry & Wet Food

Would you like to find out more about Proferrin® for your pets?

Proferrin®, a natural and certified ingredient

Icone GMP+ en noir
Icone clean label
Clean label
Icone carte de le France noir
Made in France
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Prodiet® Colostrum: Nature's gift for their immunity

Colostrum is the substance produced by mammals in the first hours after birth. Its natural nutritional components support the body's immune defences throughout life and help pets (dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, horses...) and livestock (calves, piglets, pigs...) to boost their immunity.

 Colostrum is naturally rich in :

Facteurs immunostimulants, dont les plus abondants sont l'anticorps immunoglobuline G (IgG).

Immunostimulating factors, the most abundant of which are immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies.

Oxygen Icon Box

Growth factors that activate cell and tissue regeneration.

Vitamines, minéraux et nutriments essentiels.

Vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients.

Prodiet® Colostrum has a particularly high concentration of immune stimulating factors (IgG). IgG are antibodies with the ability to bind to a wide range of pathogenic bacteria and viruses and help to boost the immune system.

A natural and committed French colostrum

In order to provide your animal with quality colostrum, we select a 100% natural raw material. Our colostrum is fresh and comes from French farms. It is hormone and antibiotic free.

A committed and responsible colostrum :

Fidèle à notre éthique, le veau reçoit tout le colostrum dont il a besoin pour démarrer sa vie avec une immunité renforcée : seul le colostrum excédentaire est collecté.

In line with our ethics, the calf receives all the colostrum it needs to start its life with reinforced immunity: only excess colostrum is collected.

Respect de la Charte des bonnes pratiques d'élevage et de collecte appliquée à l'ensemble de notre production laitière.

Respect for the Charter of Good Farming and Collection Practices applied to all our milk production.

Une traçabilité complète : 1 vache = 1 traite = 1 seau de colostrum

Complete traceability: 1 cow = 1 milking = 1 bucket of colostrum

Prodiet® Colostrum, an expertise for a controlled process

Prodiet® Colostrum is a bovine colostrum with a guaranteed high concentration of IgG thanks to microfiltration.

Prodiet® Colostrum is available in 2 levels of IgG concentration according to your needs: 50% and 40%.
Discover our bioactive ingredient in video

Did you know?

At birth, calves have no immune system, which starts to develop after 2 days and is effective after 15 days. During this 15-day period, colostrum is the only substance that protects calves from infection. Calves need good colostrum to develop their immune system.

Colostrum is also known to be beneficial to the digestive health of animals.
Gut health page

Scientifically proven effectiveness of Prodiet® Colostrum

Colostrum boosts the immune system
A study on kittens showed that animals that had taken colostrum had more antibodies against rabies than those that had not consumed colostrum*.
Prodiet® Colostrum supports the specific immune response by increasing the number of immune cells, in particular lymphocytes (in vitro study).
*Asa M. Gore et al. (2021). Supplementation of Diets With Bovine Colostrum Influences Immune and Gut Function in Kittens. Frontiers in Veterinary, volume 8.
Prodiet® Colostrum reduces inflammation
Prodiet® Colostrum reduces the secretion of TNFα and IL6, which have a pro-inflammatory effect.
Prodiet® Colostrum leads to a decrease of inflammation.


Complementary feed : 
Dogs and cats : 
100 mg/kg
of body weight
Puppies and kittens :

of body weight

Pet food :

0.1% colostrum in the formula, added after the extrusion process to avoid IgG denaturation (e.g. in the coating).
For calves** : 
300 to 500g
in the first 5 hours
then 500 g
in the first 24 hours
** For a 40% IgG colostrum. For a 50% IgG colostrum.
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Galenic forms

Comprimé blanc
Poudre blanche dans un pot
Croquette dans un bol
Dry Food

Would you like to find out more about Prodiet® Colostrum for your animals?

Prodiet® Colostrum, a natural and certified ingredient

Icone GMP+ en noir
Icone clean label
Clean label
Icone carte de le France noir
Made in France